Frequently Asked Questions
How much do your floral arrangements typically costs for daily delivery?

Our floral arrangements vary in style, design, labor-time and flower count. Therefore, costs may vary per product. All items are not listed on our website.

What if I don't see anything I like on your website?

If you are unable to find exactly what you are looking for on our website, feel free to email or text us a photo and we will be happy to provide you with a quote and/or create something similar. We love when our customers provide their own ideas. If you have your own ideas regarding colors, style or overall aesthetic, please let us know. We’ll be happy to help you bring those ideas to life.

What is the best way to contact you about ordering?

You can contact us by calling us directly at 803-435-4761 or by shopping online at our website. You can also email us directly at gibsonsfloralcart@gmail.com. We check our emails periodically throughout the day. Once you submit your inquiry online or email us, one of our team members will reply as soon as possible. Please do not send direct messages (DM’s) on social media as we don’t always get a chance to respond on time.

How can we set up a wedding consultation?

A consultation is not a requirement. However, if you would like a consultation, we can definitely accommodate your request at no costs.  Simply fill out the contact form on our website and we will schedule a date/time for a wedding consultation to discuss your wedding needs. Feel free to text or email us photos and we will respond accordingly.  If you have an idea, please send us a photo and we can provide an estimate or quote. Please note that we no longer deliver wedding florals. All items are for pick up only.  

Do you decorate wedding outside of Manning?

Unfortunately, due to our hectic schedules, we no longer decorate weddings onsite. All wedding florals are for pick-up only.

How far in advance do I need to reserve your services for a balloon event?

Bulk balloon pick-up can be accommodated on the same day it is requested on most occasions. For events requiring balloon decorations, we would like to be notified at least 1-2 weeks in advance so that we can make necessary accommodations for your event.  However, we understand that is not always possible.  Events are reserved on a first come, first serve basis. If you have a last minute request, please let us know as we may can still accommodate if our schedule permits and if we are available. The minimum order for balloon décor is $500.

What times of day do you deliver?

We deliver from 10am – 4pm daily. All orders for delivery must be made by 2pm for same day delivery. All orders made after 2pm, may be subject to next day delivery.

What times do you deliver flowers on holidays?

On holidays, orders are delivered from 8am – 6pm. For holidays, local order deliveries must be placed by 1:00 pm for same day delivery service. Any order placed after 1:00pm, will be delivered on the next business day.

Can I select a specific time for delivery?

While placing your order by phone, please specify if you have a specific time you will like your recipient to receive the order. We recommend that you select a time when your recipient will be available to receive their delivery. We will only deliver to the desired address once. If the recipient is not there, please specify if we can leave the order with someone other than the recipient. If no one is at the desired location, the order will be brought back to the florist and will be available for pick-up only. We will not refund any delivery costs if the recipient is not at the location.

Returns or Damaged florals or balloons

Due to the nature of our business, we do not accept damaged flowers in return. However, we will replace any defective flowers or balloons before leaving the premises if possible or within 1 business day. Refunds are not given on florals once they leave our florist, but a merchandise credit may be issued at the discretion of management. Merchandise credit cannot be exchanged for cash. For our balloon products, we are not responsible for balloons placed in inclement weather.


We must be notified of any event cancellations well in advance. If you cancel your event, any initial deposit or any full monies paid will not be refunded. Additionally, any payments you have made will be used as a credit on your next event. Some of our customers may schedule events on the same day simultaneously. If so, please keep in mind that all events are completed in the order in which the event times are scheduled.

Can I order balloons in large quantities?

Balloons ordered in large quantities MUST be paid for in advance before they are picked up. No exceptions, unless approved by management.